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Whenever the body has/is accumulating more toxins (unchallenged pathogens & degenerative psychosomatic emissions) than it can decrease itself of, therein is the beginning of disease. If the situation is not attended to and corrected, the condition becomes chronic and the chances of healing are compromised. The body possesses an inherent proclivity and power to heal itself which needs to be encouraged and not repressed by artificial means of trickery.

In the healing of any condition the body needs to be given a fair chance to enable it to go into repair/recovery mode. As the old saying goes “you cannot put new wine into old bottles”, in the case of healing what this means is that we must first prepare the environment mentally and physically for long lasting healing to take place. As such detoxification or cleansing must be seriously considered and the deeper the cleansing, such as at a cellular level, the greater the results. Cleansing vital organs that are themselves responsible for excreting toxins from the body is essential. This will allow the body to focus more on areas that need attention without dealing with other strains. As such, it is critical that during the healing process the body is not burdened by the very things that have caused the illness that it is attempting to free itself from.

In order to gain and maintain a good state of health and happiness, no detox programme or natural product can replace the eternal need for a healthy lifestyle and adherence the laws governing it, which include:

  • Proper Nutrition/Diet
  • Elimination/ Hygiene
  • Rest/Recuperation
  • Movement/Exercise
  • Peace of Mind

In short, the above form the key stones of maintaining or journeying back to a state of wellness without dismissing the complexities of the human system and its ethereal aspect. Keep in mind that knowledge is continuously evolving and we must always be receptive to truth when it comes our way as this is the basis of good health. In short, the above form the key stones of maintaining or journeying back to a state of wellness without dismissing the complexities of the human system and its ethereal aspect. Keep in mind that knowledge is continuously evolving and we must always be receptive to truth when it comes our way as this is the basis of good health.



The purpose of Colon Cleansing also known as high enema, colonic, colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy is to remove from the colon the impacted waste and mucous which form a breeding ground for countless diseases.


Did you know that your liver performs more than 200 processes? Good health is impossible without a proper functioning liver. Over time, we abuse and overtax the liver to the point where illness is the inevitable result. For a cost of less than R200, the Health WakeUp Liver Cleanse Kit could prevent a gallbladder operation. By cleansing the liver, you will purge all of the fats, old cholesterol deposits, gallstones, poisons, drug residues, and toxic waste stored there in.


There can be over 100 different types of parasite worms living in human bodies. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. Parasites can be found in the Intestines, Liver, Blood, Kidneys and Brain and cause a myriad of diseases. No Detox is complete without our Parasite-Detox kit.


Today’s environment has placed greater demands on the mind and the body, from the heavy metals in air and foods, to swift pace lifestyles, ever increasing stress levels and depleted soils from whence our foods come. It is however not all doom and gloom since there are plants and other naturals materials that strove through the ages and still offer us essential health builders and protectors. In order to function optimally it has become a necessity to support/supplement our body and mind beyond the consumption of breakfast, lunch and dinner. We offer a range of natural minerals and vitamins to helps to assist the body to cope and thrive.


Herbs are some of the best healers out there. Traditional cures from plants and herbs have been used by herbalists and apothecaries throughout the centuries. Herbs do more than simply add flavour and colour to our favourite dishes, their healing and restorative powers are pretty impressive too. We provide some of these wonderful herbs in capsules, tinctures and cream form.